
Showing posts from September, 2017

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This page is an tribute to the Brisbane variety tv show Theatre Royal which was on BTQ 7 in Brisbane which commenced on February 7th 1961 and would last 7 years until 1968. The host was comedian George Wallace Jnr whose father was George Wallace snr and the other performers on the show were Eddie Edwards, Jackie Ellison, Brian Tait, Patti Allen, Delores Rose, Dick McCann, Rowena Wallace and many others. It was on Tuesday for a year at 9.30pm and from 1962 until the end Fridays at 7.30pm which was filmed live. The show won 8 Logies including 2 for George Wallace Jnr ,1 for Jackie Ellison and 6 for Most Popular Live show for Queensland and the TV series reproduced the stage of the real Theatre Royal which was on Elizabeth Street in Brisbane that closed 1959 with dancing girls, stage props, footlights and the camera shots over the heads of an darken audience to replicate the ambience of an bygone era. Theatre Royal was produced, directed and written by George wallace Jnr with Hal Cro